Nov 20, 2018
This week we honour the late Stan Lee as we talk all about Earth 6, home to the Just Imagine universe of Stan Lee’s versions of the Justice League. We also break down the latest in DC news!
Sponsored by Great Lakes Grooming Co.
Intro Music by Aaron Barry
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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
News and Notes
(1:48) Jon Cryer Cast as Lex Luthor in Supergirl
(4:05) First Impressions of Aquaman Movie
(9:02) Vertigo’s Survivors’ Club Ordered by CW
(11:36) Young Justice: Outsiders Teaser Released
(14:20) Mister Miracle Series Ends and New Female Furies Begins
(17:19) Hulu Orders Pilot for Jeff Lemire’s Sweet Tooth
(20:11) Arkham Knight to Make Comics Debut in Detective Comics #1000
(22:54) DC Gives Aquaman’s Powers to Black Manta
Just Imagine
(32:55) How would Geoff Johns or Scott Snyder handle Marvel’s Avengers?
(37:58) What is the DC feel/aesthetic that can be brought over to the Marvel universe?
(42:50) Has anyone else used Earth 6’s characters?
(45:20) What character would you like to see reinterpreted and how would you do it?
(52:33) Which version would you like to see become part of the main DCU? Which one is your favorite?
(59:19) How similar is Thor to Green Lantern?
(1:02:28) Did Stan Lee put his “powers come with a curse” stamp on his heroes in a respectful way? Do the new origins make sense? Thoughts on the different racial and ethnic backgrounds for some of the characters.
(1:09:33) Why did Stan Lee not use alliterative names for Superman and Sandman?
(1:12:55) Turning Madame Xanadu in to a Granny Goodness type character?
(1:14:30) That dialogue though…
(1:17:00) Which one would you like to see in the Arrowverse?
Dial Doc
(1:20:15) Just Imagine Dial H Series
(1:22:35) Barcode Boy
(1:24:13) Excelsior
Characters, Places, Things
Atom (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Granny Goodness (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Madame Xanadu (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth) (Just Imagine)
Martian Manhunter (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
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