Jul 25, 2018
In this issue we go back to a time of stagecoach robberies, revolvers, horses, and of course.. cowboys! The Doctor is heading to the Old West this week!
Sponsored by Great Lakes Grooming Co.
Intro Music by Aaron Barry
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SHOW NOTES (courtesy of Josh Gill)
News and Notes
(2:54) Robert De Niro Possibly in a Joker Film
Wild Wild West
(5:12) Isn’t it funny that people forget about the live action Jonah Hex movie?
(7:47) Why do comics seem to love combining Westerns with the Supernatural?
(13:30) What was the event that created the motive for Gentleman Ghost to hate the Hawks?
(17:24) Do you think Jonah Hex’s history as a Confederate soldier makes the character problematic in today’s market?
(20:01) Are the Vertigo Jonah Hex stories considered part of the Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint continuity?
(25:47) Figure, Go Figure
(39:18) Do you think the absence of a Superman or Batman parallel helped or hurt the Justice Riders book?
(42:24) Was Nathan Fillion’s portrayal of Vigilante on Justice League the best portrayal of the character of the BEST portrayal of the character?
(46:00) How does Jonah Hex get his powers and what book do you recommend?
(49:46) Does Hawkman have a cowboy past life? Who was it and are there any good stories?
(52:55) Are there any modern day Western heroes that aren’t on a different Earth?
Characters, Places, Things
Bat Lash (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Cinnamon (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Gentleman Ghost (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Jonah Hex (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Nighthawk (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Vigilante (Greg Saunders) (PreFlashpoint) (Rebirth)
Recommended Reading
Flash Comics Vol 1 088 (Origin of Gentleman Ghost)
Jonah Hex: Riders Worm and Such