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Doctor DC Podcast

Aug 30, 2017

In this issue we go LIVE from YukomiCon! We sit down with 90's Canadian icon and YTV superstar PJ Fresh Phil Guerrero and find out what life is like being a beloved kids superstar, and what it's been since. And, fittingly, we spend a lot of time on DC Comics in the 90's. 

Check out Phil's series "The Velvet Ropeline" on...

Aug 23, 2017

In this issue we tackle social justice and Nazi's in the DC Universe. First we break down the latest in DC news: Tim Burton's Joker is coming back, The Flash is getting yet another Harrison Wells, why is Dolph Lundgren in the new Aquaman Movie, and much more!

Intro by Aaron Barry


All-Star Squadron vol. 1 #38-40 - The...

Aug 16, 2017

In this issue we give Colin a big binder full of DC Trading Cards and ask him to pick ones he wants to know more about. But first we break down the latest DC news. Adam West's final Batman movie. Cat Woman and Batman are getting married!? Is the director of Aquaman treading water? Find out this and more!


Intro by...

Aug 9, 2017

In this issue we're talking mad science! Androids, monsters, clones, weapons, more!

But first we break down all the latest in DC News. Aquaman is in the middle of filming in Australia. Will Wonder Woman win an Oscar? Will Shazam be DC's most light hearted movie yet? All this and more great questions from our fans!


Aug 2, 2017

In this week's issue we hear how Colin really feels about his newest reading assignment - The Multiversity: Ultra Comics #1 - and take some listener questions about the Multiverse.

We also talk about what's going on in DC news, including a Joker vs Harley Quinn movie, Wonder Woman 2, DC METAL, and more!

Intro by: Aaron...